Date: 10/13/2016 |
Version: 0.9 |
File size: 78Mb |
Date: 10/13/2016 |
Version: 0.9 |
File size: 19Mb |
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
English, German, French
Italian, Spanish, Russian
10/13/2016: |
A new version of Stadionus has been released (0.9)
09/23/2016: |
A new version of Stadionus has been released (0.8)
08/03/2016: |
A new version of the product has been released (0.2)
06/21/2016: |
Release of the first version of the system Stadionus
12/21/2014: | Start of development of a new system of soccer game animation and analysis |
Stadionus - is a system for animating and analyzing football games. Using videos of real football matches (clips or the whole match), you can:
• Obtain a complete, realistic 3D model of the match.
• Set up your virtual cameras on the 3D stadium, set switching parameters, and obtain absolutely any view of the game, even ones that are impossible in real life (for example, view from a player’s perspective, or from the ball).
• Add various effects to the 3D view (for example, trajectory of ball movement, highlighting the player with possession of the ball or the line of pass).
• Create your own video from the cameras and parameters you set up – a video you will own the copyright to.
• Access a wealth of statistical data on how individual players played, who scored how many goals, who passed the most accurately; complete statistics by team and by individual player, dynamic charts and tables, printed reports and much more.
These are just some of the possibilities that the Stadionus system offers you.
One key positive feature of Stadionus is that the majority of the functions are available free of charge. So, using Stadionus, all football-lovers, from normal fans to club managers, can obtain the exact information they need about the match.
The system’s functionality can be divided into two parts – animation and analysis.
Why do I need the animation part:
• Copyright to videos of football matches belongs to and is strictly protected by the relevant organizations, FIFA, UEFA, English football league, etc. You cannot upload any part of these videos to your own websites and you cannot broadcast them on a TV channel without the express permission of the organization. Any attempt to put such videos on YouTube will lead to their deletion or to complete closure of your account.
Our system solves this problem. Create your own video, add any of the special effects and various trajectory lines, and use this at your own discretion – the copyright to this video will be yours and only yours. Furthermore, the powerful virtual cameras tool allows you to see the game from those angles that are simply unattainable in real life.
• The animation part of the Stadionus system can be used for visual instruction in junior sports schools. Having modeled a match in the system, you can see it as Zinedine Zidane, Cristiano Ronaldo or David Beckham would see it – which will be a powerful aid to the new generation of young footballers.
Why do I need the analysis part? By modeling a football match in the system, you can obtain:
• Complete match reports on each individual player and both teams.
• Graphs of speed, acceleration, possession of the ball, passes and returns for each individual player and for either of the teams.
• Dynamic charts and tables of all physical and tactical statistics for selected players for a chosen time period.
• Dynamic statistics for different lines and areas of the pitch, player trajectories, average values, minimums and maximums for all available data by player and for the game as a whole.
• Table of offenses and passes, and statistics on pass length and accuracy.
• Printed report in PDF format.
And much more!
Ways of working with the system can be split into several steps:
• Step 1. Upload video. Select one or several video clips of the match, from one or more than one camera – or this can be an internet clip or TV broadcast.
• Step 2. Select the participating teams and stadium.
• Step 3. Enter times when the game and pitch are not visible. This could be, for example, player close-ups, commercials, or some kind of problem with your video files. If you have uploaded your own self-shot videos to the program, you will likely be able to skip this step.
• Step 4. Calibrate the video. To create a mathematical model of the game we need to know the position of each player during play. To convert the positions on the video to real positions on the pitch, the video needs to be calibrated – i.e. the mathematical model “stretched” onto the real image of the pitch on the video. The powerful S calibration tool makes this as simple as possible. If you have uploaded a video shot on a static camera, you will only need to calibrate the first frame.
• Step 5. Add players to the pitch and track them throughout the video. This step is the most time-consuming, but thanks to the usability of the system, it presents no problems. Simply drag a player from the list onto the pitch and click on the player’s location. The system calculates all the intermediate values automatically. Furthermore, if you uploaded a video from a static camera, you can use the automatic trajectory recognition and player tracking tools in this step – you need only indicate which player is where in the picture for the first frame, and the system performs the rest automatically.
• Step 6. Add game events. You need only indicate which player did what at what moment in the game, and the system automatically calculates the rest (collated statistics, calculation of ball trajectory, interactions with other players).
And that’s it! After this, you can obtain a 3D model of the game, and complete analytical and statistical information about the game.
The simplicity and power of the virtual camera tool transforms the scenario and camera switch parameters for any game – you’ll love it!